Notice of Public Hearing on Superintendent’s Contract

The North Daviess School Board will hold a public hearing at 7:30 AM on Friday, January 26, 2024 at the North Daviess Jr/Sr High School Commons.  The purpose of the public hearing is for the Board to meet to discuss and hear objections to and support for the proposed superintendent’s contract.  Indiana law (IC 20-26-5-4.3 c) requires a public hearing for any superintendent contract to comply with IC 20-26-5-4-3.

A summary of the draft agreement between North Daviess Community School Board and a Superintendent from July 1, 2023 until June 30, 2026 will list the following information for the school year 2023/2024.  Annual basic salary of $112,000.00 including 401a 1% ($1,120), VEBA 1.75% ($1,960.00).  Annual board contribution to the Group Health/Dental/Vision program, ($22,530.20) and Life and LTD ($436.20).  These insurance amounts may be adjusted if the carrier increases or decreases the premiums for the same level of coverage.  The school corporation also pays the statutorily required TRF contribution of three percent ($3,360.) of the superintendent’s salary.  The corporation will assume all cost of business and professional expenses, including mileage reimbursement, and a cell phone with a data plan.  This agreement calls for 260 working days in each school year minus twenty paid vacation days and eight paid holidays. 

Some expenses such as the Group Health/Dental/Vision/Life and LTD will be paid as “additional basic salary” for the benefit of the superintendent when his/her last twenty highest calendar quarters are used to compute his/her TRF retirement benefit.

A copy of the draft contract is available on the School District’s internet website at